
Can i hold my baby Ball Python too much or for too long . Please let me know about how long and how many times

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How many times a day or week. How long as in hours.




  1. well sometimes i take my cornsnake out like 4 times a day and even sometimes i hold him for like a hour when i take him for walks around the block( i still be holding him-he's never on the ground)

    but, Most people recommend no more than half an hour a day, because snakes never actually enjoy handling. They may tolerate it, but they don't like it at all

    and also, yes and yes. Even if your ball python is tame, too much handling can put stress on the animal. Don't hold him after he's eaten for atleast a day or two. I hold mine once a day or every other day (unless he's had his meal). I don't hold any of my snakes longer then a half hour.

  2. well sometimes i take my cornsnake out like 4 times a day and even sometimes i hold him for like a hour when i take him for walks around the block( i still be holding him-he's never on the ground)

  3. There are no set rules and it depends on the animal's personality. Most people recommend no more than half an hour a day, because snakes never actually enjoy handling. They may tolerate it, but they don't like it at all.

  4. yes and yes. Even if your ball python is tame, too much handling can put stress on the animal.  Don't hold him after he's eaten for atleast a day or two. I hold mine once a day or every other day (unless he's had his meal).  I don't hold any of my snakes longer then a half hour.

  5. how long have you had the snake for.  if this is a new snake let it adjust to its new home for at least 7 days.  at the end of the 7 days take it out to eat (put it in a feeding tub to eat).  about 20 minutes after the snake eats put him back in his tank.  if he ate you can start to handle him about 24 hours after he ate.  if he did not eat then wait another week and try to feed him again (in the feeding tub).  after the snake has had its first meal 24 hours after he eats you can start handling.  take him out for about 15 minutes a day.  do that until the next time the snake eats.  after the second feeding you can handle him about 20 - 30 minutes a day.  after the third time he eats you can handle about 45 minutes a day.  then after the fourth time he eats the snake is pretty well settled in and you can hold him for an hour or two.  just be mindful of how cold he is getting.  if the snake is around your neck or in your hands he should be ok with your body heat.

    for a feeding tub take a plastic box, large enough for your snake to move around in a bit.  drill several holes along the tops of the sides for airflow.  put the snake in the box and then put his food in there.  after the snake eats give him about 20 minutes or so to get his food down a bit and then put him in his house.

    good luck with your snake.  :)

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