
Can i home school my daughter

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My 13 year old is having a horrible time in school.

It starts sep. 7.I have a high school diploma.Is that all i need?




  1. Depends on where you live. Do a search for your state's name and homeschool laws. Find out what they require of you. Also, in some places, you need to send notifications in and do other paperwork. Find out the legalities where you live.

  2. Yes, you can homeschool, you just need to see what the requirements are for your state. Check at http://www.hslda/com to read about the laws for your state.

    Best of Luck to you!


  3. Well, that's not all you need, you're gonna need time and energy and a willingness to work at it. It won't be easy, you'll become just as much a student as your daughter. It's a lot of fun most of the time, like anything there will be ups and downs. The internet and the library are a great place to start. There is a zillion resources. Check out: and also the Home School Legal Defense Association (I wouldn't homeschool without the latter!). Your dd will need to de-brief from public school, take a season to get to know each other.

  4. Yes, Yes. I have just withdrawn my nephew (10) who due to bullying in three schools could not take it anymore. I felt completely lost and found the Education Dept in QLD that deals with home school great. I also homeschool my 14 year old neice who is severely disabled to give her an education. Just remember it is not school and you think you are not doing enough, but you will find out how flexible and rewarding it can be. Just make sure she has a social network, like other home schoolers. What area are you in as there are many homeschool groups. Google and this should guide you or give you contacts. In the week since he started he is so much better emotionally.

    Good luck, not as hard as it seems, let your daughter feel happy again.

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