
Can i house a cane toad in a 10 gallon tank?

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there is a bunch of toads in my yard and i want to keep one as a pet.can i keep it in a 10 gallon?if so then for how long?




  1. no its cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is pretty bad too

    also if u were (hypothetically) going to do this a cane toad would need 30gallons or more

  2. cane toads are not in the united states

  3. cane toads are much too large for a 10 gallon tank! the other answer is correct also though, don't captivate a wild amphibian, they are too delicate of organisms to be just taken out of their natural environment, and placed into an enclosure.

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