
Can i import a smart roadster here into tha U.S?

by  |  earlier

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ive heard that there are smart forfours' in oregon & i wanted to find out if im able to import 1 (the smart roadster) into tha U.S. i kno theres a few roamin around mexico (emphasis on FEW!!!) & there was a sighting of one here in the us in minnasota (soory if i spelled minnasota wrong). what will i hav to do?DMV aint gonna just slap me with a licencse plate and let me go. ill do whateva it takes, even if i hav to go to the UK myself & pick it up. oh, and does anyone kno if its possible toi swap in tha 177 hp engine f4m tha forfour into tha roadster? i kno all of this is not gonna be easy.




  1. Yes you can bro but it you got the $$$

  2. There are Smart Fortwo's all over America.

    They started selling them here about 5 months ago.

    A Smart Roadster will not be street legal in America because it was not designed for the American market.

    It will probably come to America some day with a stronger metal body and heavier weight.

    Maybe someone mistaken the Smart Fortwo's for Forfours.

    The Forfour is expected to start selling in America in maybe 2 years.

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