
Can i install ubuntu without a CD?

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Can i install ubuntu without a CD?




  1. I don't think so. You see, the computer needs to startup with a makeshift drive to get data off of: the Ubuntu CD, not your computer. I have personally tried and it is best to go with a CD.

  2. If you already have another distro installed, try it this way. Download a Ubuntu ISO file and initrd and vmlinuz, then make a folder in /. Then edit your menu.lst file to point to the ISO and save it. Now reboot and the new Ubuntu should be listed under your main OS. This will be exactly like booting from a disk.

    Other than that, if you have Windows (yuck), I don't know how. I hope you get it running, cause Ubuntu is by far my favorite distro.

  3. Yes you can, however, you MUST create a partition on your primary hard drive.

    Also you can install Ubuntu without installing it on your computer hard drive - run it off the CD or downloaded ISO.

    For more details in different methods of installing Ubuntu, please visit this web page: - click on item "3" in the content list.

  4. Not that I am aware you at least need a live cd just to get it to run  

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