
Can i join any branches with a DD-214 RE-4 code?

by  |  earlier

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I was kicked out 7 years ago?




  1. no you cannot reenlist any part of military.  the -4 means you are not eligible for enlisting in military

  2. No, RE-4 means that they don't want you back

  3. i don't think DD-214 is perm.

  4. why were you booted?

    I would say the odds are very slim if it was done because you were a knuckle head, on the other hand if it was for medical that could be a totally different story.

    Go talk to a recruiter.

  5. Try area 51

  6. Perhaps if the recruiter is willing to fill out all of the paperwork for a waiver

    and you are looking to join the National Guard.

    The National Guard is state run where all of the other branches are run by the Feds.

    A lot will depend upon which branch of the service you last served in, the Navy and Marines an RE-4 is simply not recommended.

    The Army's RE-4 is non waiverable

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