
Can i join the army if im on medication

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Can i join the army if im on medication




  1. It will depend on what medication you are on, and if it is used to control a serious medical condition that would preclude you from serving in the military.

    Check with your doctor, and then check with a local service recruiter.

  2. Yes you can Join  

  3. It depends on the medication and the reason you were taking it. Also if it was for ADD or some such as a child and you stopped taking it on advice from your doctor some time ago then you will be ok.

    I have a close friend who was on meds for ADD but stopped taking them when he was 13 and he just went active duty Army earlier this year. Yes he had to get a waiver but providing the meds you took and the reason you stopped taking them were on drs advice you should have no problems.

    Good luck!

  4. @ mezza, Why stupid?  Do you know how generalized most questions from kids and uninformed adults are?  They're just like that.

    Chances are, if you're on prescribed meds for a condition (psych or physical), then NO, you can't enlist.

    Over the counter meds are generally OK providing they're not abused implying addictive personalities.

    If you're on any medication that you have to take for life--that answer is a BIG "NO NO"

    Illegal meds?  Well you know that answer.

    Best bet, talk to your recruiter.  Just be weary of the possible outcomes of your answers.

  5. stupid question but it depends on what medication. if you are taking steroids then don't try.

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