
Can i jump of the empier stat bilding and live?

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Can i jump of the empier stat bilding and live?




  1. Here is a link to a video about a guy who did try to jump off the Empire State Building.

  2. depends Howe high you intend to jump from you did not say so?

  3. You might

  4. Only if it's a minature model, you might even demolish it.

    Why don't yu pick up the phone and call a help line.

  5. Yes - until you hit the ground, that is.

  6. There's only one way to find out for sure!

  7. It is possible but not probable, assuming you could get over the safety fence. 'Over the years, more than thirty people have committed suicide from the top of the building. The first suicide from the building occurred even before its completion by a worker after being laid off. The fence around the observatory terrace was put up in 1947 after five people tried to jump during a three-week span. In 1979, Elvita Adams jumped from the 86th floor, only to be blown back onto the 85th floor and left with only a broken hip. The building was also the site of suicides in 2004 and 2006. The last suicide was by a lawyer who leaped from the 69th floor on Friday, April 13, 2007'.

  8. use spell check. if you jumped from the top of the building then you would be blown into the side of the building a few floors down due to the wind. i don't think it would do your health much good!

  9. hunny you already know the answer to this one xx

    you will live right up untill you hit the bottom,then its goodbye to you

  10. From the top, no. from the bottom possibly, depends on how many dictionary's are passing.

  11. you can not spell and you would die unless you are a v v v lucky person.

  12. if you die can i have your car?

  13. Parachute or not, no. There would not be enough time for it to open up and slow velocity before the SPLAT.

  14. no but you can learn how to spell.

  15. I heard this story about a pilot who bailed from his aircraft at an altitude of 5 miles, and lived to tell the tale.

    He broke every bone in his body though.

  16. dont know about that but it might improve your spelling:)

  17. with a parachute otherwise no

  18. pointless question, try it.

  19. only if you are an immortal.

  20. why dont you try it?

  21. not possible at all.

  22. So long, Curious George!

  23. Last time I looked the Empire State Building wasn't in Cambridge.

    However, for what it's worth since the question is utterly pointless the answer you wouldn't survive.

  24. sure!!!!!can you fly???

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