
Can i jump wih a western bit?

by  |  earlier

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i want o start jumping with my horse i no how to jump and have a english jump saddle and saddle pad but i cant use a english bridle on him because of the nose band he does not like it when stuff is over his nos and he also goes into a sneezeing frenzi can i still jump with him just for fun




  1. the nose band is used to keep the horse from opening there mouth and "dropping" the bit / contact which you need when jumping. The western bridle has diffrent levrage and is ment for flat work. I would not jump in a western bridle or a western bit !  I would get a happy little snaffle and maybe lunge him in a nose band to get him use to it

  2. The problem with using an english saddle and a western bridle is that you are giving two different styles of signals. It may be confusing to the horses training. Try a jumping hackamore instead. This is easy on the nose but will not be confusing.

    Here is one

  3. First of all it might not please the judges that you are using a western bit and English saddle,also if you are jumping you might want to look up the bit type so your not using the wrong bit for jumping, certain ones can hurt the horse if there jumping.

  4. "Can"? Well, one "can" try anything. "Should?" NO.  Most "western" bits are curbs, they have a shank.  You do not ever want to jump in a shanked bit - the risk that you will cause the horse tremendous pain should you hit the reins over a fence is significant - it could be dangerous.

    You need to use a bit with direct snaffle pressure - no shanks.  A "western" styled snaffle would work - the style of leverage is what matters, not the doodads.

    If your horse does not like a caveson noseband, then it isn't adjusted correctly.  A caveson should never cause a breathing or sneezing problem.  Cavesons are mandatory in competition, and while you can practice jumping at home without one, sooner or later you have to get your horse used to it.

    You should be taking riding lessons if you are trying to learn to jump, it is too dangerous to be practicing by yourself without help.  Also, please ALWAYS wear a good ASTM/SEI-approved helmet with the straps fastened when you jump!

  5. So take the noseband off the english bridle. there is nothing that says it has to stay on. then ride him with english saddle and bridle.

    hope this helps xx

  6. I used to switch saddles and jump in my western bridle all of the time.  I always used a plain full cheek snaffle so it worked out fine.  As for the bit, as long as you are using a bit with no shanks, it's fine.  If you do use a shanked bit, you should switch it to a plain snaffle or other bit without shanks.  If you have to do that, then it will be a hassle to keep changing bits, so you might want to buy another headstall anyway.

  7. You can use your western bridle, but it depends on what you mean by western bit?  A curb bit should not be used for jumping, it's not made for the constant 'contact' that jumping properly requires and can cause your horse discomfort.  You can put a snaffle bit in your western bridle, it should work fine for your purposes and is suitable for both western and english styles.

  8. If you're just jumping little stuff for fun once in a while, and have a quiet, steady hand, I think you'll be ok. But if you're going to be jumping more than the occasional log on the trail, you might want to stick an english bit on that western bridle, or just use a english bridle  with no noseband.

    I once had a horse who could not use a noseband - she had a displaced soft palate and it interfered with her breathing - so I can relate - lucky for me she was not a jumper!

    Good luck & have fun!

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