
Can i just buy 1 hermit crab?

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im thinking of buying a hermit crab. and i have done research about hermit crabs. now ive learned that they are very social and love the company of other hermit crabs. problem is i jsut want to buy one so it could have my undivided attention instead of me having to deal with multiple crabs. ive read its bad for a crab to be alone it makes it unahppy and depressed . but can it be alone and not die of depression on me . i just want one pet. but other than not having company i can provide for it all the things it would need to live perfectly food,water, humidity, shelter, heat,space, stuff to climb on, sand . im just worried if it being alone will have serious affect on it




  1. Well I had hermit crabs before I think 3 or 4 of them and they were really happy together. When they were gone my friend gave me another one. I had it all alone and it was very unhappy it was only a couple days old and I left to go out for the day and when I got home it was dead. So I recomend getting 2 even if you want one to have your undivided attention. They will be happier with friends.

  2. And make a REAL "Hermit" out of Him??! Aww- give the poor Crab- a Break! He'll NEVER come "out of His shell"- if He doesn't have a REASON to! What if YOU got a "lady-friend" & He stopped getting Your "undivided attention" ?! -So it's "Lucky for YOU & too bad for HIM" ?!! Do the "right thing", & get TWO Hermit Crabs... Maybe YOU'LL learn something...  :)

  3. O yea you can just buy one. Everyone I know only has one hermit crab!

  4. yeah. you can just buy one it will be fine

  5. no they need to liv in group settings. You've done the research you know why this is.

    i've adopted hermit crabs that were living on their own. THey can survive but trust me they do not thrive. One I took in was very agressive the others were very afraid of everything. They hardly ate didn't have regular moults and were very under active. You may think that you can provide a hermit crab with all the socializing it needs but people really cannot give them that. No matter how much you handle them or give them things to play with having companions is muh better.

    My adopted crabs are much happier and healthier now that they have companions.

    colonys are just as easy to care for as one. Yu just need a slightly larger enclosure and a little more food and water

  6. yea, get 2. the other one will be grumpy and mad.

  7. you canbuy just one i have two and the little one doesn't want anything to do with the bigger hermit crab

  8. Food,water, humidity, shelter, heat,space, stuff to climb on, and sand will keep him alive and healthy, but not happy.

    Hermit crabs do not cost that much, and it's not hard to take care of one extra crab. I would suggest getting 2, and you'll have a much happier pet.

  9. well one hermit crab won't suffice. they won't pinch ur genitals hard enough to give u the pleasure u r seeking. u need at least 17

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