
Can i keep Bettas as cold water fish?

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I've seen things about Betta's being tropical fish that can live in cold water, but don't thrive in it. I was wondering if it is ok to keep them in cold water, well room temperature water, and if its cruel or not. Thanks for your help all answers appreciated :-)




  1. Its not recomended in order for your betta to live a healthy life.

    Cold water slows down their metabolism and hampers their immune system making them lethargic and prone to sickness.  It won't kill them outright but it will significantly shorter their lifespan.  Too many people keep them in cold bowls and figure they're slow moving fish that get sick a lot when in reality my bettas in heated tanks are super active and rarely get ill.

    The heater depends on the size of the tank.  Its not a good idea to heat a tank under 2 gallons as it may very well over heat the tank so get something over 2 gallons in size which is much better for a betta anyway.  After that just select a wattage that is appropriate for your tank size.  They usually tell you on the package what its good for.  Don't worry, most heaters are relatively inexpensive.

  2. no they are tropical fish and need water around 73-78 degrees. They will be sluggish and unhappy if you keep them in cold water. They also will have a higher risk of disease

  3. Betta are tropical fish, likes temperature around 82F, but you can keep it around 70, they accept a wide range of temperatures, it will be fine.

  4. Bettas can live in temperatures from 68-82 degrees, with 76-82 being the ideal temperatures. At colder temperatures, your betta will become sluggish, dull, and inactive, and will be at a higher risk for disease.

  5. Its like putting you in the mountains in scotland, its cold and somtimes snowy, you could survive but you would hate it and constantlhy be unhappy and scared, you would rather be in a warm house (:

  6. Hey AG,

    I have kept Betta's for 2 years and my first 1 (male) lived in a fish bowl for 1 year, with no heater and no filter, just water and plant cover.......and he loved it.  he absolutely thrived in his bowl and he was always building his little bubble nests.  Which is a sure indication they are very happy and looking to have babies.  He used to come to the top of the bowl when you were looking at him, to get fed.  Very cool.  I know loads of fish keepers, including fish shops who actually advise this is the best way to keep them.  I transferred him to my main tropical tank about 1 year ago, along with 3 ladies, and he has never built a bubble nest in the time he has been there.  Clear indicating that male/female Betta's are loners an are happiest in smaller areas.  Theses fish are normally called Puddle Fish, because they normally live in mud puddles inf fields, god knows how they survive, but they do.

    Just make sure ou change his/her water once a week and include some luke warm water so it settles to room tempature quicker, and if you can keep it in the living room or bedroom or office, some where with some heat, so the water is not icy cold.

    Hoep this helps :-)

  7. They like their water about 80 degrees.  It is mean to keep it colder because they will be chilly and unhappy.  


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