
Can i keep a Miniature horse in my back yard in St.Louis MO?

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I want a Miniature horse and i have done my reserch and saved my money now i need to know if I can keep it in my back yard. I have seen people talking about it but they also say it depends where. I have a pretty big back yard but I am not sure if it will be allowed. Help Please!




  1. No

  2. Your backyard must be super big, you have to build a stable, hire a farrier, a vet, grain, hay, and other foods. You also have to ask the person in charge of your neighborhood  and make sure your area is suitable for a horse. But they are alot of work so think wisely!

  3. It really depends on the size of the back yard/garden and what surface you have. For example: a good field has good quality grass, gates, no big bumps or sharp edges. It also has to be clear of things like wheelbarrows etc.

    I think you may be able to but miniature ponies are still quite big (Max 82-91 cm) and require lots of attention as all horses and ponies do. You must also have a shelter/stable and a place to stash all the grooming kit.

    I do not think it matters WHERE you keep a horse/pony just as long as your space for them has all the requirements.

    P.s. Your backyard has to be quite big

    Thank you, I hope this helps.

  4. i would have at least 5 acres per horse.

  5. Well,it really depends!Because it has to be really really big!For it to run around in,and it also has to be its habbit,like it type of food and stuff

  6. i dont think that is such a good idea

  7. If you live within city limits or in a neighborhood most likely not...sorry. Do you take horse lessons? Even of you aren't interested in riding you need to know all the normal horse knowledge for a Miniature Horse too. Please make sure you know EVERYTHING about how to take care of a large horse before you get a Mini.

    Ummm...I still doubt it is legal to keep a Mini in your backyard, even though it is possible as long as you have at least 1/2 an acre of grass. Also, you mini will probley need a friend. Unlike dogs Miniature HORSES are herd animals and they need companions. Is your backyard secure enough for a you have any poisoness plants or anything they can hurt themselves on? I own five Miniatures but we live on a small farm...they can be very naughty and get into alot lol.

    Think things through a little before you deside on getting a mini (you may have I just want to make sure you double make sure ^^)

    I would advise you o take horse lessons (if you already don't) for a few months...if you can't afford them then you can't afford to take care of a Mini couse you would ahve to get there feet trimmes, vaccinations, food, time, and of course those little accidents all horses seem to have xD

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