
Can i keep a a baby budgie with my 7 month old male cockatiel? and what s*x should the budgie be?

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Can i keep a a baby budgie with my 7 month old male cockatiel? and what s*x should the budgie be?




  1. Hi,

    Budgies and cockatiels do get on and theres are loads of people who keep them together, but there are many things to consider.

    I have kept budgies and cockatiels together but have always kept them in a large aviary as if they get to close i have known the cockatiels just to open their beaks to threaten the budgies but i have never seen any real aggression so you may be ok, but remember the cage needs to be big enough for the two birds to get away from each other.

    Secnd thing is it really depends on the cockatiel itself some will get along fine but others will be stubbon and want to be alone.

    As for the s*x of the budgie it doesn't matter, but if you want it tame i would recommend a male as females tend to be more aggressive.

  2. The budgie will most likely eventually attack and pick on your cockatiel if they are housed together. It will go for his feet, one of the most sensitive places on your tiel. House them separately, and give them supervised time out of their cages together during the day. Trim their primary feathers so they will not injure themselves in your house, and they will be more dependent on you and less likely to develop an attitude. The gender won't matter as long as they are in separate cages. Budgies can be very cage aggressive.

  3. hi yes you can lol as i have 5 of each in an avery and have had them for somr time they all play together its good they dont fight either lol

  4. No definitive answer I'm afraid. I have, many times, kept budgies and cockatiels together and never had a problem, yet I know someone who did the same and they really fought. There always has to be a dominant and passive bird. If you have two dominant birds then thats when you have trouble. 99% of the time the little budgie will be boss.

    I think that if the cage is big enough and they are not cramped together on top of each other then they will be fine, but most peoples idea of a big bird cage falls way short of big enough for a bird, let alone two. If the cage isnt a good size then, whether one or two birds, they should be allowed to fly around the room on a daily basis.

    The s*x of the birds is not an issue and in the wild they are not solitary so it would be kinder to get your bird a friend in my opinion.

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