
Can i keep a baby dwarf hamster that has been raised in an aquarium and keep it in a wire cage?

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Can i keep a baby dwarf hamster that has been raised in an aquarium and keep it in a wire cage?




  1. yes. just make sure the bars are close enough togther so he/she cant escape.

  2. Yes,He might need to get usd to some things that are new to might take him a little while to get used to it,make sure the bars are 1 cm-1.3 cm spaced max! they can fit there head easily and once they do that there bodies can go flat as a paper so they will be gone in no time.remember to give him some hard food for him to wear his teeth down.and it will help him NOT to chew on the cage bars.that is bad for his health.GOOD LUCK! hope i helped

  3. yeah.

    why not?

  4. Not in a wire cage. It will most probably get out. I have a baby dwarf and her first cage was wire and there was a big gap at the top and she got out. Luckily we found her. Please think twice about the wire cage. Thanks!  

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