
Can i keep a pig in my allotment if so what kind?

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Can i keep a pig in my allotment if so what kind?




  1. The answer is probably no. To keep a pig you must register the land with DEFRA (SEERAD in Scotland). If you don't own the land then the landlord must agree - if it is a council allotment they are not likely to let you keep livestock instead of growing produce. So you should check with the landowner first.

    If they agree, then you can apply for a holding number and then you can get your animals. But it must be properly fenced, have shelter and water and must provide enough grazing land - this will be checked by local trading standards. They must also be registered with animal health who will give you a herd number.

    Pigs are incredibly sociable animals and if they are living on an allotment then you would need at least two, one on its own would be lonely when you were not there.

    If you can get over these hurdles, then one of the smaller breeds - pot bellied or kune kune are the best.

    I have 2  kune kune pigs and they are wonderful - but they need to eat grass every day and are quite adept at digging it all up while you are not looking and can soon turn anything into a swamp if you don't manage them.

  2. This all depends whether you own the site or not. if it is council owned then possibly not. I know you cannot have farm animals on a council property in the uk.

    Also to keep farm animals you must obtain a licence in the uk.

    pot bellied pigs are the most common type kept as pets.

    You must really read up on keeping pigs to and what veterinary care/husbandry is involved

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