
Can i keep baby foodin the fridge?

by Guest56638  |  earlier

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i have made some baby food (pear and apple and potato and carrot)

can i keep it in the fridge? if so how long for?

also when i blended the carrot and potato it went all gloopy and elastic like cheese is that normal or do i have to add something to it?




  1. If it seems thick or stringy I would add a tiny amount of formulas or breastmilk to it to make it a little more even textured. Anything to rough or 'gloopy' could cause baby to choke.

    And yes, you can refridgerate it and serve it warm or cold. My daughter eats hers both ways. When I warm it up, I do it in the microwave for 5-15 seconds, depending on how much is in the container.

  2. as for storage that I can answer. Are you using canning jars if so and you are sealing them good then they can last for weeks in the fridge. If not freeze them. then two days before you need them take them out to defrost, (or you can microwave it) you can google making baby food. and get many recieps and storage help. GL.  

  3. you can store baby food in the long as you havent actually fed them out of that container then germs will grow, when you feed your baby and you know he will not eat all of it, pour half into a baby bowl then store the rest. And, all baby food should be like a paste consistancy, no long as it isnt very thick or you could add a little water to it so it is like the jared food at the store. hope this helped some.

  4. I would add butter or formula/milk/water to whatever you blend.  Depending on your baby's age and what stage they are at, you may also blend in soup broth for extra flavour.  

    You can keep baby food in the fridge for a couple days as long as you haven't started feeding your baby from it.  (their saliva mixes with the food and may cause bacteria to grow or make the food watery)

    After you know what your baby likes, I would blend up a batch and freeze it in ice cube trays... makes for a perfect serving size!

    Good luck and have fun experimenting!

  5. Depending on the amount, say a jar size of each or lil more , should be fine in the frige, no longer then 3 days tops tho. I make my own food as well. After I blend it all , I pour them into a ice tray ( each food I prepare makes about an ice tray full) Then I place into the freezer for about 4-5 hrs, pop them out and put them into labled and dated baggies.

    When blending the veggies , which can be a lil tricky. Have some water handy(dont reserve the carrot water after steaming, because of the nitrates) pour a lil bit of water at a time as you blend it will loosen up the stickyness and blend smoother. Same with poatoes cept I use formula.  What I also like to di , I put one scoop of formula into the blender or processor for added vitamins. Make sure that when you are doing the veggies that you steam or cook them, like peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes, some fruits need that as well is a great link, been giving this one out all day...tells you all you need to know. Good Luck

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