
Can i keep deposit money from a renter?

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My renter moved out in the middle of the month. he paid for the whole month but gave no notice. Can i keep some of his money until i re-rent the unit?




  1. I would keep it all. He never gave notice and, starting next month, will be in default on his rent. You then issue an eviction notice to him that he has 30 days to move out (post a note on the door if you have no other way of contacting him). And, you are keeping the deposit in lieu of the missed rent payment for next month.

  2. In PA a tenant must give 60 days notice if they want to leave early and if they don't you keep the deposit.

  3. if you dont rent the apt you are entitled to keep it since he was negligent in giving you 30 day notice

  4. You can deduct Aug rent from the deposit, but that is all.   His moving was effectively giving you notice as of that date.....but it is due the first.

    Notice in the middle of July starts Aug 1.

    If you rent in Aug you have to prorate the old tenant a refund.

  5. If he had a fixed term lease, legally you could hold him responsible for the rent until a replacement tenant is found or the lease expires. It is good that you are standing by your verbal 30 day notice offer.

    So, you are without doubt entitled to deduct rent for the next 30 days (August) from his deposit.

    However, you cannot just "keep" the money. You must deduct it from the security deposit and send the accounting within 30 days of the tenant vacating, per Colorado landlord tenant laws, even if the return balance is zero.

    Send it to his forwarding address via Certified mail, return receipt requested. If you do not have a forwarding address, send it to his last known address - your rental.

    It may be forwarded to him or it may be returned to you as undeliverable. If it comes back to you, do not open it. Keep it sealed in case the tenant attempts to sue you for failure to return the deposit.

  6. YES- In most states, if a tenant fails to give proper notice and or breaks a lease they forfeit their deposit.

  7. Of course, you can keep his deposit as well in lieu of notice.

  8. Did he sign a lease? Does this lease say you want notice before moving? ALot of lanlords always say word of mouth and have a hard time proving this person did not do that..

    Always state this in your lease and always say you want it in writing 30 days prior to it and you can actually say they can give you 60 to 90 days in advance if you really want this way it gives u time to re run ad. You can not also that voluntaritly leavement of the lease before expires can result in you going after them for the reminder of there leases rent.  

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