
Can i keep mollies with a male goldfish in the same tank?

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Can i keep mollies with a male goldfish in the same tank?




  1. Technically no and yes.  Mollies prefer water temperatures 77 and above while goldfish like the water below 76.  Keeping the temps at 77 and it must not drop or rise can be done.  Second problem, marine salt is needed for mollies or is prefered by mollies but causes bloat in goldfish.

    Honestly, I would not mix the two for the health of both fish.

  2. Yes you can, however you will need to keep the tank extra clean.  Goldfish exude a slime from their skin that helps goldfish, but is not necessarily beneficial to other fish in the tank.  If you can keep up with very good filtration, then you shouldn't have any problems.

  3. no! Molly's are tropical!!   and goldfish should only be with goldfish any way

  4. yes

  5. no mollies will attack gold fish

    look here plz

    look in the middle page

  6. Goldfish are coldwater fish and mollies are tropicals.  They don't go together.  One goldfish requires a minimum of a 20 gallon tank.


  7. Yes you can but goldfish are pretty nasty fish and you will need a good filter and to keep the water changed and clean for the well being of the other fish in the tank.....if you dont the tank will get dirty rather quickly and put your other fish at risk...

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  8. NO!

    Goldfish can only be put with goldfish. They are not considered community and are actually aggressive when it come to fish that are not goldfish!

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