I am trying to change from a Virgin Phone and broadband service to Sky TV, Phone and broadband. Everything is o.k but we need to have our BT line reconnected by a BT engineer which costs £124.99 (still OK because sky allows us to claim this back).
However the problem is that BT say that they cannot guarantee that we will keep our land line number until after we have had our line re-connected and paid for it. it is not possible for us to change our number as it would mean having to completely change over 50 services (i.e on-line stuff, banks e.c.t). And we do not want to pay £125 for nothing.
Firstly, will we be able to keep our number?
Secondly, if we can any pointers on how to transfer the number,
Thirdly, why can BT no guarantee this?
P.S thanks for all the help + we are not moving house or anything,
live in England