
Can i keep shrimps with my betta>?

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can i keep my crs or cherry shrimps with my betta? will they be eaten? they are around 2cm




  1. the bigger the tank the less stress they will have

  2. Yup, you can keep them together.  I have ghost and other shrimp living with my bettas, myself.  They're nice because they eat the detritus on the bottom of the betta's tank.  And when a shrimp dies, the betta will usually eat its dead body.  No, a betta will not kill a shrimp.  They live nicely together.

    Careful 'cause a shrimp may pinch a betta's long fins.  If you notice any fin problems, separate them.  But that only rarely happens, and you can avoid the problem by having one of the smaller shrimp types.  Two inches is good.

  3. they will probably be ok but


  4. You could try it ad keep a close eye on your shrimp....but bettas are very territorial and will usually nip at or kill any thing that is put in the bowl or tank with them. If you really want to put them together I would watch them for about 10-15 min after you put them together and judge by your betta's reaction to them weather or not he is going to bother them,

  5. they can coexist but you need to watch them like a hawk

  6. All I know is you can have ghost shrimp with them. Im not sure about any others.

  7. I'm afraid this is a question only your betta can answer for you.  Every betta is different.  Some will eat shrimp and some will not.  The only real way to know for sure if your betta will eat shrimp is to try it and see.  I've known bettas who would snap up a shrimp in an instant and others who would swim up close, take one look and then zoom off and hide from it!  You never know until you test it out with the specific betta in question.  Sorry, but that's the pure truth.  Bettas are a lot like people.  Some love shrimp and some hate seafood.  LOL!

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