
Can i keep snails with my betta fry?

by  |  earlier

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i have ivory mystery snails and the bottem of my fry tank needs to be cleaned desperatly. I have 3 of them

will the snails eat the fry that are laying on the bottem

the fry are only 1 week old, and the snails are about an inch long.




  1. Yes,add the snails...they`ll help keep everything clean and won`t harm your fry or water quality at all.

  2. Yes, the snails will eat everything that doesnt get out of the way.

  3. I have a tank full of betta fry, like you, except mine are older. I'm not sure if the snail had anything to do with it, but I added a blue mystery snail to the tank to help keep it cleaner and a few days later my fry came down with fin rot >.< so I would reccomend doing more vaccuming and don't add the snail. You don't know what's in the water from the snail.

  4. If you spawned in a 10 gallon like you were supposed to..

    then you should be fine for a few weeks until the fry grow bigger.

    DO NOT add anything else to the tank, there is not enough if any filtration to take on any more waste/ammonia this might possibly kill your fry.

    You should have done a water change BEFORE they became free swimming....

    But if you must change water, Please do so into a bucket and use a bright light to spot any fry that got sucked out.

    You should not be over feeding.

    I take a small peice of egg yolk, and put it in a small container with water, shake it up and let only the small peices out and I put in about 1 teas. two to three times a day.

    they are doing really good on it.

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