
Can i keep tiger barb with coment goldfish and gaint denio in same tank?

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and how long does it take tiger barbs to have babies




  1. NO NO NO!  Sorry to sound so harsh, and I am glad that you are asking this question.  Rule of thumb when keeping animals - do not mix species!

    Tiger barbs are aggressive, tropical fish.  Best kept as a species tank but do your research for compatible companions. And even if they had babies your other fish you have would eat them.

    Goldfish are cold water fish that require LOTS of room and excellent filtration.  

    You could, I suppose, keep a giant danio with your comet, but I just wouldn't.  

    Also, for fish to breed (with exception for those little guppy dudes) they need optimum environments pertaining to their specific species requirements.

  2. no tiger barbs are tropical and goldfish are coldwater fish

    even if u did put them together you tiger barbs will nip the goldfishes fins

    so no point putting the two together saves you wasting time and money  

  3. Goldfish are cold water fish and should only be kept with other goldfish.  Tiger barbs are egg layers so there is no gestation period.


  4. Hi, short answer-no! Goldfish have no compatible tank mates except for other Goldfish. No idea about the Tiger Barbs gestation period-sorry! Try Googling for this.

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