
Can i kick my friend out of my house ??

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my friend has been renting my house out .she is ignoring my phonecalls ,i hear she has another house .the house ilet her rent is fully furnished with all mod cons,i took no deposit ,and no bond ? basically she had nothing ! i am a bit worried she will empty the house when leaving , i have nbo forward address where she is going .she has no tenancy agreement ! can i just turn up change locks and be done with it ?? pack her stuff and call her??




  1. Choose your 'friends' more carefully in future. You are getting what you asked for. Renting out property carries with it many responsibilities. If you think it can be done without careful consideration then you aren't bright enough to do it successfully.

  2. You should try getting legal advice, it could get messy with no tenancy agreement

  3. There is a process and I was advised NOT to just go change the locks (I had similar issue). There is a form, "Notice to Vacate" that you can get from the Constables office. It must be filled out and posted on the INSIDE of the door. Typically it is 72 hours to leave. Then if the person doesnt you have to start the eviction process that can get long and drawn out.

  4. You say she has been tenting the house which suggests an agreement and cash transaction.

    Therefor I would suggest not interfering with her "stuff" if you mean by that her belongings. Changing the locks to wha is her home would also be a mistake.

    You need to give her written notice to quit and if she refuses you then go to court.

  5. She's your friend.  She is not going to mess you up.  Just trust her a little longer.  You are acting too hasty.

  6. Definitely. You are at a very high risk of losing all of your furnishings. I would go there and if she isn't there, just wait until she shows. Find out what is really going on.

  7. If you take her rent  no

    you give her 30 days

    if she has not paid rent  change the locks

  8. no, you need to give her a 30 day notice whether you have a lease or not

  9. You're charging her rent but have no lease agreement? Not a good idea, as it puts you in a precarious legal position.

    Previous poster is would have to evict her like any other tenant. However, it is perfectly OK for you to go to the house, knock on the door, and see if she's at home. Then ask to be let in. If she's not there, contact the police and ask them to accompany you into the house so that you can check on it.

    If she removes anything from the place, that would theft, and you should contact the police if it happens. I hope you have an inventory of everything the house contained when she began living there.

    If you can't locate her at all and she's stolen your property, a private eye can do wonders.

    I hope you'll never allow someone to live in or rent your property again without a legal written agreement. It's for your own protection.

  10. Since you have no lease sounds like you can do what you like.  I would go over and have the locks changed.  Leave a note on the door for her to call you.  Then when she does tell her you will meet her at the house for her to get her stuff out.

  11. yes u can

  12. I'm not sure (I would ring the CAB and check), but seeing as there is no agreement I dont see why you have to give her notice and cant just change the locks.

  13. Take legal advice. There are so many by-laws protecting tenants.

  14. You have to give her a 30 day notice and probably put in that all furniture you mark belongs to you because you bought them. After the 30 days watch her move and if there is any problems call 311 to basically have a police officer keep the peace. Make sure you have documentation stating the house is in your name and keep a copy of the 30 day notice that way she can't say you are throwing her out on the streets.

  15. stick a rocket up her *** too

  16. No she's established rediency and you will have to give her 30 day written notice to move!  How VERY FOOLISH of you to not have protected yourself with a lease!  Learn from your mistakes!

  17. I'm sure if you go to the police with proof of ownership of the house that they will go with you to the house and remove her and her personal effects from your property.  Be prepared to have new locks installed right after she leaves.

    Here is a great site for more info;

    Good luck.

  18. The best thing to do would be to check with your local law enforcement agency. Here in Florida I forget what its called but it could cost you up to 100 $, they'll send it out they will give her a few days to comply if she does not then you can show up by law along with a sheriff to remove her stuff. that's it. Best advice don't just show up there to pack all her stuff up, cuz it could end up costing you more then you've lost.

  19. no rental agreement = kick her out

  20.'s the time to see if she can be a friend with benefits, no??

  21. I wouldn't kick him with your foot, that would be rather silly.

    But you can ask him to leave the estate, and refuse to renew his 'Tennancy agreement' contract when it expires.

    Good luck

  22. Yep - tell her you'll help her move.  That way you can lookout for your stuff.

    Sometimes being a nice guy doesn't work.


    follow the above link it might clear up some things about your friends rights and maybe if your put in a search on the site with better details of what your looking for, otherwise you may have to go and speak to a local solicitor about the problem

    might help you find your rights as a landlord

    next time you rent a property you might want to browse this site

    I think you could be present when she leaves so she does not take any of your property because that is theft and you do have a right to enter the property especially if you happen to be passing and thought you smelt gas or burning (if you know what I mean)


  25. You need to be familiar with your local landlord and tenancy act and find out what your rights are.

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