
Can i leave me dog alone for 9 hours?

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i want to get a dog, and my parents want to see if i could take care of one so to give me a chance they got a freind to lend us their dog for a week. Both my parents are working and i have school from 7 am- 4 pm. I was wondering if i could leave the dog alone in the house with food and toys. I would leave it in a closed room so it wouldnt wreck the house. Thanks, sorry my questions so long




  1. You said that Grandma lives next door.  Maybe you could get Grandma to come over around 11 a.m. and let the dog out to run in the yard for about an hour and have a chance to drink some water.

    The only way I would say yes is if Grandma or someone lets the dog out in the middle of the day.  Nine hours is too long for the dog.  Ask yourself this, could you go around all day without a drink or going to the bathroom?  I know I couldn't.

  2. It truely depends on the dog, if its a puppy most likely not unless its potty trained and can use the RR on a potty mat. If it's an older dog and trained well it will be able to hold its bladder and not make a mess in the house. Thats the only thing thats going to be a problem is messing in the house. My pitbull can be left in the house forever and he wouldnt go in the house. So Once Again its up to how good the dog is trained.

  3. 9 hours is a long time.  What is the dog use to doing?  How old is the dog?  What breed of dog - high or low energy.

    If in the yard:  is it fenced?  is there shelter?  is it safe?

    Are you willing to get up early and give the dog a 45 minute walk before you leave for school?

    Are you willing to come home from school and give the dog a 45 minute walk?

  4. Don't want to sound mean; but maybe you should consider getting a cat or another type of pet.  I'm a dog lover myself.  Until you are able to spend more time with a dog for now anyway.

  5. dogs are very social and get lonely.  the longest my dogs are alone is for 7 hours for 4 days.  the other day my boyfriend is home and my other roommate comes home earlier than i do on most days.  my dogs also have each other to entertain themselves.  I would never just have one dog left alone that long.  it makes them sad and is unnatural for them.  

    what happens if you get a part time job as well?  wait to get a dog until you are settled and can make sure they aren't home alone that long.  

    maybe volunteer at the animal shelter.  they love having volunteers coming in to walk the pups and to give them attention.  that would be a beautiful thing to do.    

  6. 9 hours?

    Well very little dog breeds can last that long.

    Depending on the breed and it's needs I'm not sure.

    If you gave us the dog's breed it would be helpful to figure out if the dog would last that long.

  7. If you don't mind cleaning up a mess. It depends on the age of the dog as to how long it can hold its bladder. Would YOUwant to hold it for 9 hours.

    I don't know what to say about your friend who lends his dog out as an experiment.....

  8. The dog should be just fine.  You might ask your grandmother to let it out just to be safe, but it should be just fine.  It is usually 1 hour for each month of age, so a two-month-old puppy can only hold its potty for 3 hours at the most, but this is a dog, so it should be just fine.  Now, when you get home in the afternoon, take the dog potty, and then take it potty again in 15 minutes.  Since it has been holding its potty all day, it may need to go extra when you get home.  I hope you have fun.  Ask us if you have any more questions.

  9. if the room you leave it in gets hot and or humid its not good for the dog so if you could leave a window open at least a little bit and or put a fan in the room just make sure the dog isn't a chewer.

    food, water and toys should be fine i have friends that go so far as to put a radio on or a tv so there is extra sounds it would feel less lonely

    must dogs are left alone for hours on end (8-10 hrs a day) but taking proper steps is necessary to insure safety of the dog, walls, carpet and furniture.

    ask the owners what they usually do when going out if the dog is usually left outside that might be best you got a good sized yard that be great but even if the dog dosnt normally run off at its owner it might get curious of whats around your area, look around your yard for anything it might eat and wouldnt be good for it, also poisins, certain plants, gas or oil if its fenced walk around the out side of your yard calling the dog to see if it has any excape routs (my dog constantly finds new ways out - she learned how to open our gate) also if it does find ways out it might be best to buy a big chain find an area with deep shade, away from things you want to protect to insure it lives when the dog gets bored,

    you might also want to stick as close to possible with the usual owner routins with the dog and make sure to stick with the same dog food (can make them nauses and or have the "runs")

    best of luck on getting a dog, dogs can be very difficult and have much the same temperments of people they can feel neglected, stressed, anxsious, lonely, bored, the list gos on

  10. wow no not unless you want to clean up the mess everyday,

    and if you have school from 7-4 thats just 9 houres your at school,

    you didn't count the time it takes you to get home, or how early you have to leave to get to school.

    and you cant leave a dog outside that long in the summer, because it could get a heat stroke and die, and you should not leave it out in the winter for that long either it just not good for a dog.

    and leaving it alone that long is like neglect for a dog, and its just sad to dump it somewhere by its self for that long

  11. If you couldn't, no one who works would be able to own a dog.  Ideas:

    1)  Get wee-wee pads and see if the dog will pee on them.

    2)  Have your grandmother let him out once during the day - but if you do, the dog will never learn to hold it.

    3)  Crate him (never worked with mine - he'd jump up and down and hit his head).

    4)  Confine him to a comfortable, but limited area.  As long as mine can't get to a carpet, he holds it and I wouldn't care as much anyway.

    5)  Get a pet sitter to come walk him once a day.

    6)  Consider doggy day care if you can afford it, once a week.  They LOVE it and it gives them good exercise.

    Whatever you decide, make sure you make time for him in the evening for play, exercise and lovin'.  If you go out a lot, consider a couple of cats instead.

  12. It all depends! It depends on the dog, but if it's your neighbors dog it may have a hard time adjusting to a new environment- especially if it's only for a week.

    Is s/he used to being alone for 9 hours? Is she potty trained and can she hold it for that long? Is she used to being in a crate?

    If you are asking about your new dog, yes 9 hours is fine as long as someone comes home and lets her out to go potty, and get a drink 2x a day. Puppies cannot hold their bladder that long. An adult can be left that long, if they have been gradually trained as a puppy to be left alone that long. Using a crate or kennel is a great idea to train and keep him from destroying everything from being bored!

  13. i leave my dog alone for that long and she is fine. If you are going to leave it outside make sure there are no holes in the fence and that the dog doesn't dig should be fine inside though.

  14. Really no that is not good, to leave your dog that long. Outside would be better but still no, that is not a good idea. If some one could be home some time between those hours, to socialize/play with your dog that would be better.

    Dogs love to be with their people and if you are not able to provide that time, find some way to do it.

    Good luck

  15. It might be ok if it's an adult dog, but definetly not a puppy.

    9 hours is kind of long, maybe you could get a neighbor or someone to stop by your house to check on the dog and give it some company for a few hours.

    Also, what helps is to have a TV or radio on for your dog while you're out

  16. You may want to ask someone you trust to come in and let the dog out for a pee halfway during the day. Make sure it gets a walk before/after school, and make sure the dog does its business right before you leave for school.

    Keep in mind that young puppies usually can't "hold it" for more than 3-4 hours. So if you get a puppy, make sure you have someone that can come let him/her out during the day.

    Edit: Leaving the dog outside could be dangerous, especially if there's no fence. He could dig, wreck things, be stolen, or run away.

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