
Can i live in a senior living place without being a senior?

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Can i live in a senior living place without being a senior?




  1. Those places are expensive. they cost more rent that living anywhere else in rent.. the advantage is.. that in senior homes.. people still can have their own apartments... they can even have their bit of garden.. a gardener will take care of that.. so that adds to the rent.. and if you are ill...  you only have to pull on a cord.. a doctor lives on the premises.. those are the advantages.. It is independent living on the site.. the apartments for those who are not physically handicapped.. live in flats or apartments.. and they do their own cleaning and everything... they also can do their own cooking... and a person who is mentally or physically seriously handicapped can move into a place ... a nursing home.. but they are not to be recommended.. unless it's absolutely necessary... If you have the money, I mean if you are of independent means.. you can move into a senior livfing place at any age.. you can also have meals on wheels and someone else doing the cooking and the washing for you .... if you got money. as I said ..  a lot of people do that when they are around 60 if their partner died and they want to go over to the senior part.. when there is a gathering or a party... then you always have company.. therefore it's good that the people are of a similar age group... 60 would be acceptable..  but too young.. then you have a lot of seniors as friends and as close contacts.. a lot of people who lose their partner.. if they are 60 and don't want to live alone in their own house.. they sell that and buy themselves into a senior home and live there independently but they have plenty of other seniors as neighbours and can always go over to the main retirement home building to join in any activity or bus trips they want.. as people from retirement homes do activities and go on bus trips.. that's different from long term care homes. they are still fairly fit.. some may be in wheelchairs...x*x

  2. yes if you are physialy or mentally disabled and cannot take care of yourself

  3. Some senior areas allow under 55 if they are with older family members. Most allow 80 plus percent of residents to be under 55, but again, they must be living with at least one family member over 55.

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