
Can i live in costa rica with about 35 grand us currency?

by Guest11035  |  earlier

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Can i live in costa rica with about 35 grand us currency?




  1. Depends on your life style.  I live pretty well on $15000/year, and my hubby and I both drink a lot.

  2. Absolutly, but not like a millionaire...You will live well, but it also depends on what area you live in.  There are lots of remote areas where you can live very well...have a maid, live by the beach, etc. but not near tourist areas!

  3. Definetly, 35 grand is about 67million colones, in Costa Rica $1=521 colones, you may live in the city which is pretty cool since you have nice restaurants, nice shopping centers, bars, etc. And also in the country side and beaches. Way cheaper and more quiet and peaceful, based on the way of life in costa rica with 35 grand, you may be able to live 2-3 years.

  4. Sure you can...until the money runs out.

  5. Like a millionaire

  6. You can live well for a while. Contray to the what the exchange rate say what you actually have to spend is more like 1 to 4. 1 us gets you 4 costa rican. If you paid 500 in rent here in the states the same type of place in Costa Rica will cost you 125 to 150. You can live well off of 35,000 but you cant live like a king forever

  7. HOW old are you? with 67 million colones you may have a simple but comfotable life for at lest 7 yers if you control yourself 2-3 years only if you spend a lot

    really you buy a 20million collones house thats big enough for at lest 4 people and two floors then you spend 10 miliom more on furniture and stuff and get a simple job you could live happy and comfortable for ever

    PS: I'm from costa rica

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