
Can i live with my grandparents(plz read detail)?

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last year my family was doing fine. Until my parents got a divorce. i was just ending my 8th grade year when my mother decided were to move. Not only do i hate the place we moved but mom has changed. she is allways yelling and cusing at me. My grandparents live where i use to live . they told me that i could live wit hthem and go to the highschool were all my friends go my mom said it was my decesion and then she just changed her mind 2 days b4 school starts! so now my grandma said she will sign the papers bu tmy mom said she wont let her and now my grandma is going to have to take me home.. I will do ANYTHING just to stay here. Please help me i will do anything. Can i take her to court or what?




  1. If you live in the US…  No, you can't take her to court.  Your grandparents *may* be able to (do they have the money to do it?), but unless they can prove her unfit, they'll get nowhere.  It's very hard to prove unfitness.  The fact that she yells and cusses, while it's very poor parenting skills, does not (in and of itself) make her unfit.  The fact that you don’t like where you moved is irreverent.  And even if Mom can be proven unfit, DAD would be first in line for custody.  Where is Dad?  It would be much easier for him to obtain custody.

  2. HAHA

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