
Can i loose weight if i just eat 3 bows of cerial a day wiv water? ?

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i want to loose weight but can i loose weight haveing 3 bowls of.... Crunchy Nut,Special K,Weatabiks an so on... if i can loose weight like this with drinking water regularly and eating fruit how long will it take? Help is grately appreciated.




  1. You need a balanced diet. Porridge with added bran, with UHT milk is excellent, add some fruit and honey when you microwave it.

    Eat loads of fruit and veg, cut out all wheat products completely. No fats. Spuds with the skin on, contains 8 times more vitamin C than an orange, pound for pound. No fatty fillings, tuna and sweetcorn with low fat salad cream.

    Cut down on salt as much as you can. Watch out for hidden salt, avoid processed food for hidden salt and fats.

    You can eat porridge at any time, it fills you up, keeps your bowels moving and gives slow release of energy. You would be better off eating that than cereals. Honey is very good for your body and you digestive system. Save money on all that pro biotic rubbish.

    By cutting out bread you lose the stodge and all the fats etc you put on bread and toast.

    Oats with bran, that's the biggy for weight loss. The bran destroys cholesterol.

  2. A bowl of cereal with milk is about 180calories. If you had 3 bowls a day, that would only be 540 calories. 540 calories is not enough! Your body will shut down. Then you won't lose as much because your metabolism will be really slow.

    Maybe have 2 bowls a day (one for breakfast, one for lunch), then a proper dinner of about 500 calories, then some snacks of about 500 calories.

    Eat every 2-3 hours to speed up the metabolism.

    Eat first thing in the morning so your metabolism is going all day long.

    Drink plenty of water.

    Make sure you get 5 portions of fruit & vegetables a day.

    Maybe have a orange juice with your breakfast cereal, then have an apple as a snack. Then for dinner have some vegetables with dinner.

    Never eat fruit straight after dinner because it will cause you to bloat.

    Make sure to get enough calcium in your diet too!

    Good luck

  3. yes ,

  4. christ knows but your better off with a more healthy diet than c**p

  5. you would loose weight quite quickly, but loosing weight quickly u are more likely to put it back on.

    i would suggest eating 2 bowls and a healthy meal plus fruit  for a few weeks to kick start ur diet then go to 1 bowl and 2 healthy meals, this way u will loose weight slower 1-3 lbs per week and u are more likely to keep the weight off.

    good luck

  6. you will lose weight but you won't keep it off.

    once you eat dangerously low amounts of calories like this, your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to any fat it takes in, because it does not know when it's next meal is coming.

    Eat 3 decent meals a day depending on your s*x, height, weight, etc, and start jogging. then weight will come off and stay off

  7. NO!

    Cereals contain too much sugar if your serious about weight loss and staying in great shape. Even bran flakes contain too much sugar, so please reconsider when you want to relate cereals to weight loss.

    Sugar is the ingredient we most want to avoid, as it increases the amount of insulin released.  High levels of Insulin increase fat storage and decrease the breakdown of fat. If you’re looking to lose weight (fat) you can see why reducing your insulin levels is a good thing.  So leave the cereals on the shelf and start learning what a balanced diet is. I lost 2 inches off my hips with a balanced diet in 2 weeks.  

  8. You can lose weight but you will make yourself ill , The best way is to cut your calories say to 1, 400 calories a day and exercise that way you will lose weight safely  

  9. If you are talking about the cereal diet, you can lose up to 5 pounds in two weeks. Totally not worth it. You can do that by eating regular, normal sized meals, instead of living off of cereal. BLAH. If you want to eat cereal follow the plan and eat it twice a day, like it says. You need to add a sensible meal.  

  10. I just stopped buying foods/drinks that have "High Fructose Corn Syrup" in least that's the main ingredient to avoid. I also try to avoid "enriched flours".....saturated fat must be 5grams or lower and NO trans fat.

    I've now lost 20lbs :)

    And I eat what I want, when I want-it's just the "WHAT I want" that has changed.

  11. Sure, you'll lose weight, but most likely, you'll lose muscle mass as well. Your body needs protein to keep the muscle you have. Why not add veggies to your diet too? They are nutrient rich, and extremely low in calories. That way, you can drop pounds, and stay healthy too. Limiting yourself to one or 2 foods is never a good idea.

  12. almost two weeks u should mention ur actual weight then it would be possible for others how much u will lose ur weight eat healthy n do exercise regularly it will make ur body metabolism active to lose weight quickly  

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