
Can i lose weight barbecue my fish, beef, chicken.

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i want to know if you can lose weight barbecuing foods and if you can how can you do it.




  1. you could if you avod the suses atkins syle

    have you tried this workout video?  

  2. No, barbecue sauce is unhealthy. But if you mean grill it, no, it burns off the protein and other healthy things

  3. No, if your going to lose weight you need to back away from the pit...

    You are going to have to start eating a lot healthier.  Start by cutting back on the beef, don't cut it out, just back.  You will need to eat more fish and chicken.  But, try baking it not frying either of them.  Also, more veggies....  A lot more veggies...

    One of the things that found when I lost 53 pounds was you have to change the way you eat.  (I don't care what all of these people say either) I didn't change what I ate, it was how much and how I ate it.  

    I cut all of my portions in half.  Trust me it sucked for little bit.  But you also have to eat slower.  A LOT SLOWER!  The problem with the people in this country is everyone is in such a rush to eat, they don't chew their food, and before you know it they are off and running.  Because they ate so fast, the body hadn't had enough time to tell the brain to stop eating, the next thing they know they ate WAAAAYYYY to much.  And now they are sick to their stomach and can't move.  Kinda like Thanksgiving....  You know when you have to open your pants to sit down...  Thats why, you ate way too much, way to fast.

    Oh yeah, it wouldn't hurt to excerise either.  Its not that much time out of your day.  All I did was walk on the tread mill every morning before work for 2 to 3 miles, which took about 40 minutes?

    Good luck and slow down eating for god sakes.  Its not going to run off your plate, your gonna make yourself sick and fat!

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