
Can i maintain my weight only through exercise?I hate dieting?

by Guest10655  |  earlier

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i hate counting calories,carbs,avoiding this food or that food.

is it possible?just through exercise?

if so how long???and how often???




  1. yes it is as long as you don't just eat junk.  Your body will only perform well if you feed it the right types of food but you can absolutely stay super fit without eating excellent food.  Michael Phelps eats tons of junk food all the time unfortunately but because he trains in the pool for 6 hours a day, he has a wonderfully fit body.  Make sure you do eat fruit and vegetables and fish though as they are great for your strength and brain.

  2. You can as just as long as you don't overeat -in which case you would be gaining weight through eating too much. Go running or to the gym sometimes if you can and generally get more than one hour of strenuous exersize every day.  

  3. As long as you burn off more calories then you consume you can lose weight through exercise alone. but losing and maintaining weight does work best with diet and exercise together.

  4. calories are calories. Unless your tryin to get as lean as possible it dosent matter what u eat, its how much. But, dont expect to be able to pig out and exercise a little. Remember, even intense exercise for a couple of hours only burns 700-1000 calories. So you can eat chocolate cake all day, aslong as you dont eat too much.

  5. yes it has been proven that vigorous excersize is more affective than dieting

  6. you can maintain, yes. But even though you may look fit and be a healthy weight, it doesnt mean that you are a healthy person. Even if you dont count calories or anything, still you need to eat healthy♥

  7. of course you can.

    look at michael phelps, the ridiculous breakfasts he eats. he has like a 12000 calorie breakfast of bacon eggs beans hash browns all that stuff, he just exercises like a beast and look what he has achieved.

    thats an extreme example but you get the point, if you exercise enough you can eat what you want.

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