
Can i make a banana smothie without a blender?

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Do you think i could make a banana smothie without a belnder?because im not old nough to use one i have bananas milk and ice can i just squish the bananas?




  1. Peel the banana, crush your banana in a bowl using a fork, add a little milk, if you have vanilla malt powder add 2 tablespoons then stir with a wooden spoon.  Forget the ice, you don't need it.  Place in your freezer for an hour or longer, maximum time 3 hours.  It will be mushy, stir it a little and its ready to drink.  Don't get a brain freeze!

  2. YOu could make one if you had ice cream which is what you use instead of ice when you dont have a blender. If you had ice cream you would just mash the banas then mix with milk and icecream. Maybe if you had crushed ice but not ice cubes.

  3. how old are where u cant use a blender?

  4. ofcourse you can squish the banana's, itll be chunky but it still could work if you keep squishing, as for the ice, you might want to leave that out since you cant really hand crush ice, unless you have a meat pounder and a strong cloth to squish it in, goodluck and dont try anything weird!!!

  5. The way to make a smoothie is with a whisk and a potato masher. Mash the Bananas, add a little milk then start whisking. Keep adding milk until you get the mixture to the consistency you want.

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