
Can i make a boca burger in the toaster oven?

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Can i make a boca burger in the toaster oven?




  1. yes you can.. maybe wrap in tin foil if its frozen or you have it on a low setting or it will take longer then 15 minutes to cook so it wont dry out :] it will def. be good though!!

  2. I'm sure you can, assuming you and I have the same definition of toaster oven. (If it's the thing with the slots on top and stuff pops down and up, do not put a Boca burger in there.)

  3. If you can make a Boca burger in a toaster, then you should be able to make a Boca burger in a toaster oven.  In fact, it should be easier.

    And yes, I speak through experience!

  4. A toaster oven is basically a mini electric grill so I imagine you can. I use it to "bake" scrambled eggs all the time. Just make sure the drippings, if any,  don't drip on the heating elements.

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