
Can i make anything useful from blackboard chalk?

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I was just wondering.. It's for our science fair, and when I saw a mound of chalk dust near the blackboard, so I started thinking on what can I do with it... What can I do with it to turn it into something useful? XD




  1. I don't know what you could make of it.  But, if you're looking for science fair ideas, there are several sites on the web with ideas.  Below are three for starters.

    Feel free to drop me a line with questions.  I've judged and assigned a few fairs.

  2. Blackboard chalk is actually not chalk at all - it is gypsum or calcium sulphate.

    And the most common use of gypsum is in construction - plaster and plasterboard are all made from gypsum.

    So you can dry line your house with it.

  3. Blackboard chalk is usually calcium sulfate, though if you're doing a science fair, you might want to start off by proving it's calcium sulfate, as I doubt it'd tell you anything on the package.

    If you need help with this, feel free to e-mail me any questions at "leafz_rule @"...without the spaces, of course. I rarely use my Yahoo! mail. I only have an account to be on Yahoo Answers.

    Now, the main point of it all is to find a use for calcium sulfate. It's mainly used as a desiccant in labs. So perhaps you could do something with preservation. The science of mummification, maybe? Just throwing out ideas, there.

    There isn't a whole lot you can do with it. If you are looking for science fair ideas, pyro-related stuff is more my game. I usually can come up with a ton of ideas for that. Feel free to e-mail me, if you wish. I myself am looking for a couple science fair ideas for my grade 12 year.

  4. The traditional uses of chalk have in many cases been replaced by other substances, although the word "chalk" is often still applied to the replacements.

    Blackboard chalk is a substance used for drawing on rough surfaces, as it readily crumbles leaving particles that stick loosely to these surfaces. Although traditionally composed of natural chalk, modern blackboard chalk is generally made from the mineral gypsum (calcium sulfate), often supplied in sticks of compressed powder about 10 cm long.

    In agriculture chalk is used for raising pH in soils with high acidity. The most common forms are CaCO3 (Calcium carbonate) and CaO (Calcium Oxide).

    In lawn tennis, powdered chalk was used to mark the boundary lines of the court. This gives the advantage that, if the ball hits the line, a cloud of chalk or pigment dust can be seen. Nowadays the substance used is mostly titanium dioxide.

    In gymnastics, rock-climbing, bouldering, weight-lifting and tug of war, chalk—now usually magnesium carbonate—is applied to the hands to prevent slipping.

    Tailor's chalk is traditionally a hard chalk used to make temporary markings on cloth, mainly by tailors. Nowadays it is usually made from talc (magnesium silicate).

    Sidewalk chalk is made of sticks of colored (and sometimes white) chalk (now mostly gypsum) used to draw on sidewalks, streets, and driveways. It is often done by children, but in many cities, talented adult artists create masterpieces on the walkways.

    Toothpaste also commonly contains small amounts of chalk.

    Hope I helped. :)

  5. Nah mate, except an awful noise!

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