
Can i make eggless cake as good as egg cake ,if so pls share recipe ?

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Can i make eggless cake as good as egg cake ,if so pls share recipe ?




  1. Of course you can!  Any vegan cookbook will have some tasty cakes and desserts.  Check out "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz.

    I'm an Ener-G Egg Replacer girl.  You can get Ener-G Egg in the baking aisle of many grocery stores.  It's an ugly orangey box, but it's really cheap, and the stuff lasts forever.  Some people use a flax seed slurry (1 tbsp flax seeds soaked in 3 tbsp water per egg), while others use 1/4 cup tofu per egg.

    I don't like using applesauce or bananas; they've never worked for me.

  2. I just use the boxed mix and substitute applesauce for the eggs.  I just use about 2 tablespoons of it for each large egg it calls for.  It turns out fine.

    I am vegan so I use soy milk instead of milk.

  3. make any cake recipe and substitiute 1oz of milk per egg.

  4. Scrumy vegan chocolate cake (and well easy too)

    1 and a half cups of self raising flour

    1 cup of sugar

    1/3 cup cocoa powder

    tea spoon baking powder

    half cup oil

    half cup soya milk

    half cup orange juice

    two table spons vinegar

    1. Mix all the dry ingredients together

    2. Mix all the wet ingredients (except the vinegar) together

    3. Add the wet and dry.

    4. Add the vinegar

    5. Put in a greased and lined loaf tin.

    6. Bung into a warm oven (180 or gas mark 5) for about half a hour.

    Wait till it warms down before you take it out of the tin.


    Banana Cake

    3 large ripe banans

    60g vegan margerine

    100g brown sugar

    250g self raising flour

    1 tsp baking powder

    5 tbl spoons soya milk

    1. Mash the banana in  a bowl with a fork

    2. Blend in marg and sugar with a wooden spoon

    3. Sir in flour and baking powder a little at a time

    4. Add soya milk

    5. Pouy into a greased, lined loaf tin

    6. Cook for about a hour at gas 5/ 180

    Leave to cool in tin a few minutes.

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