
Can i make homemade baby formula with water and sugar?

by  |  earlier

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trying to save money




  1. You can call WIC and tell them you need an emergency appointment to get on their program for free formula.

    If you feed your child nothing but sugar water you will kill them.  

  2. No!  No!  No!  That is NOT the place to save money!  Your baby needs the nutrition, vitamins, minerals, etc. that are in the formula.

    If you are really needy, contact WIC, your township trustee, state or local government agency, or the St. Vincent de Paul Sociey for immediate help.

    If you're just trying to save money, cut back somewhere else.  

  3. NO way....... they aren't hummingbirds.  Girl, you crazy!

  4. BREASTFEED!  It's free!!!

    If you're that broke and won't nurse, get WIC and they give you formula.

    Sugar water cannot nourish a baby!!!!!!

  5. too much water can kill a baby

  6. you could always try Tang. thats what my BF's grandma did for one of her kids at 2 months. and shes ok.

    she also blended up normal food and spoon fed it to her.

    on a serious note, no its not ok.  

  7. NO, there is a lot more ingredients in it than just water and sugar.

  8. dont mix formula with sugar..thats bad her for stomach.

  9. NO, sugar water isn't baby formula. Baby formula has many vitamins and nutrients in it and has just the right amount to give a baby nutrients they need.  Starving your baby isn't a way to save money.  

  10. Instead of asking YA if you can feed your baby sugar and water in order to save money - how about you sell the computer you probably typed this question on and buy your baby the formula it needs.

    I'm sorry if that sounds means but c'mon, you can't be serious about making homemade formula out of water ans sugar..can you? Think of all the things you eat and drink in the day and how ill you would be if you only had sugary water as a source of nourishment. If you can't afford to feed the baby then breastfeed, call WIC or let a loving couple raise your baby who can afford to feed it and use protection the next time.

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