
Can i make my own my own genre by putting a word with "core"?

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in the past ten minutes ive seen

"progressive mathcore"




"progressive metalcore"

"hardcore progressive"

"Melo Death Metal"

"thrash metal"

"black metal"

"power metal"

could i make my own genre called funkadociouscore?

would you listen to it??

thoughts on crown city rockers and the roots? would you rather them have a more convential frontman?

(instead of raashan ahmad Crown city & black thought for roots)




  1. Hahaha.It's getting a bit ridiculous indeed.I don't have any good -core ideas,but I would like to see a band coming up with a progressive gothcore style grindcore influenced with a Led Zeppelin twist.

    Funkadociouscore brings to mind Faith No More.Yeah I would give it a try.

  2. I've heard bands use "thrashcore" which is sad.

    My core= Melodiccore, or Jestercore.


  3. They should make a Folkcore.  That would be funny.  Folk music combined with hardcore music lol.

    I haven't heard of Crown City Rockers, but I have heard of The Roots.  From what I have heard of them though, I don't think they would need another frontman.  Just my opinion.

  4. try sexualiciouscore. i would deff! listen 2 tht.

  5. Read Killer Peaches answer on this one he came up with a good core name on this answer lol.;...

  6. Yeah, I think the genre of the band KoRn is POPCORN.

    Also, MCR is classified as "CORE"ned beef.

  7. Goaheadcore.

  8. Polkacore!

    There ya go.

    Funkadisciouscore sounds kinda cool, though.

  9. Sure. You should come up with "TheJonasBrothersAreNotEvenCloseToCore Core".

  10. yeah like..








    No matter how you put it..someone will find a band for it lol

  11. i havent seen popcore yet, make that.

    or nastycore.

  12. I think so.

    Glamcore would be interesting. lol

  13. how about Sarcasticcore?

  14. "nintendocore" wtf is it like remixes of mario or sum shiiiit

    what bout doggiecore.....growls...a branch off death metal hahaha

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