
Can i man love kids that are not his? How much time should it take? What are sighn 2 look 4?

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I am a young single mom of 2 girls I have recently got engaged with a man with a llittle girl the same age as my girls. My girls do not have a relationship with their dad so my soon 2 be husband will be the only man in there life. I worry that he will never love my girls the same and I worry that it will hurt my girls watching him over the years with his daughter. I worry that it will damage them in the long run seeing this. Should I worry is it a problem. Is it possible for a man to love kids that are not his own????




  1. Yes, it is definitely possible.  You should talk to your fiance and tell him your concerns.  How does he feel about it?  Is this something important to him that he's willing to step up to the plate for?  It will be important for your family to work through this issue.  Not only will your daughters feel left out if he doesn't pay attention to them, but his daughter may also be jealous if he does.  It will take the entire family working together to adjust to this, and once you do, it should work out great.

  2. absolutely possible.  it will depend on how much respect and care you show him in his daily dealings with her and how she shows respect as well.  it's not quite as natural as one might hope.  it will be an ongoing process and you should care how their relationship develops.  

  3. I raised my oldest daughter from the age of 2 and yes a man can love and raise children that are not his,,,  The big problem that I see here is paranoia on your part,, I expect you to accuse your new husband favoritism towards his daughter and the fact is,, that you will  be the one showing favoritism,, So the question really is can you accept another woman's child into your life and love her the same as your own??    This will have to be a daily concern and thought  that you will have to concentrate your efforts on     Good Luck

  4. As strange as this may sound, I don't think this is really the issue u r worried about...

    U sound full of doubt about your relationship, period.  

    Have you asked your girls how they feel about your fiance?  Children are brutally honest in an innocent way and will tell you how they truly feel about a person!  

    Have you brought up your concerns and worries with him?  You should!  Two people in a relationship should be able to talk openly with one another, especially if they are about to walk down the aisle...

  5. Yes it is possible. yo shouldn't worry about this a ali;m sure he will treat them the same way he treats his daughter. just pay attention in the way that he treats now and if you notice a major difference in the way that he treats his daughter from yours then you might want to reconsider marrying him for your own children's sake. Good luck with everything:)

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