
Can i manually put songs into my ipod from another comp?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, i have the new ipod and it is currently synced into my own computer. However, i can't get an iTunes account because it requires a credit card and i cant use my mom's. That means that i can't get songs that i want online, I have to buy the CD! But my brother, who has the old video iPod and an Itunes account, says that I can erase my current library and sync it to his computer so he can individually buy the songs i want instead of spending money on Cds. He also said that if i want my old songs, i can still have iTunes on my computer and just manually put songs from it to my ipod. Is that possible? Sorry if its a little confusing!




  1. yahh type ur moms email address and it will bee on ur computerr

    and when u sync ur ipod in this message will pop asking u if u want to sync and erase which meens take the songs u have on ur ipod now and it will erase those and put ur new songs from tht computer

    the other option is cancel

    and transfer purchases which meens tht u can take the songs tht u have on ur ipod now and put them on your new computer !

    hope i  helpedd good luck tht just happened to me !

  2. I just had a problem getting my own iTunes account b/c of a strange credit card problem, so they (iTunes support) suggested if I couldn't get it to work to buy an iTunes gift card (like at a store, Staples, etc.)and work with that-- you can open an account with the gift card. That way you don't have to go through all that other mess... Hope this is helpful.

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