
Can i mate a Campbell Russian Dwarf with a Roborovski Dwarf?!?

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my campbell russian dwarf hamster Danny i think has been trying to mate with my robo hamster Raimele by the looks of it and she seems to be getting fatter but its been about a month and a half and still no babies. so I'm just wondering if they can even mate! need to know immediately!!






  1. Yes they can.

    I can't tell if he is much bigger then your female from the pics if he is you should watch her she may need help getting the babies out.

    You gently do that, very gently turn a bit to break the suction and work work with her.

    But only if it looks like the female is dying once you touch the babies she is more likely to kill them.

    They eat their own babies if they feel threatened at all.

    Hamsters are very hard to get to raise their babies in captivity you MUST take the mate from the females enclosure right way, do it now..

    Put a box in her cage with a small hole for her to enter  the box for her to have her babies in.

    (A modified shoe box for example - should about 1/3 the size of a standard one)

    Use masking tape, to tape the box together.

    Something that won't kill her if she eats it.

    The pet store sells these little nest things that would be best.

    But do the above if you can't afford a nest thingy.

    Put extra soft wood chips on her cage floor so she can prep her nest.

    Keep her in a room that gets very little activity or in a closet with the door open just a bit so she gets enough light.

    Put her in her new place now so she gets used to the new environment before she has her babies.

    ANY stress will cause her to kill them.  

    Prepare to walk in with mutilated baby bits everywhere.

    Do the above and at least you know you did what you could.

    Just being honest.

  2. No,Breeding different breeds of hamsters can cause bad pups.Hope i helped and good luck!

  3. yes you can its like dogs they are the same type of animal just different breeds  so if i were u i would seperate them if u do not want babies

  4. yes but all the rules about the male and babbies still  apply so read up on behavior and be prepared to rehouse dad

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