
Can i mix discus and angelfish?

by Guest45148  |  earlier

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  1. i wouldnt mix them discus are beautiful fish and they have thier need and they can be very expensive

    i would say that keep them ( discus) in a species tank  

  2. Mac again I agree with.  You can.  I think the better question though is should you or is that a good idea?  I think the right answer is like what mac said about tank size.  Becuase Discus are extremely sensative, and that Angels can be a little nasty sometimes, if you don't have enough tank footprint to allow for space, then no, I wouldn't do it.  If you have a decent sized tank, maybe like in the 75 gallon range, it should work.  Just make sure you are attentive to your water changes.  Discus will die very easy if that goes askew.

  3. I would not.  Angelfish can be aggressive and can harass the discus.

  4. no the best fish to keep with a discus is neon tetra , also the discus will do betta with a Little bit of aquarium salt

  5. Yes, you can. In nature they are found together in the same river. Just make sure that your tank is big enough to hold them when they reach adult size.  

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