
Can i model and not be stupid?

by  |  earlier

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Shes a model and a stock person with a phd, honestly ive never heard of such a thing, school takes so much time out of my life it leaves me no time to pursue my dream of modeling. of course i can drop out and go straight into modeling, but im afraid i have nothing to fall back to if it doesnt work out..

what should i do? can i model and not turn out stupid??




  1. i like how you think,I think you can go into modeling part time while going to school so you can start saving up for the bills of student loans and other living expenses. But if two things get in the way, it's your choice what you want to presue in life, whether it's modeling or getting a PhD.

  2. yes, with **** like those, u can get any kinda degree you want

  3. When you first start out modeling, you will probably only get part time gigs anyhow. You should have plenty of time for school Read the advice on this page:

    Good luck

  4. not stupid..... well not intellectual, why not? some were just drowned by the lights and glamour of modeling , making them think that they've reached all that they can. go for it!


    thats just a stereotype...

    kind of like blondes are stupid which is not true!!

    and you can still persue your modeling carreer

    and still have your knowledge!

    dont let stereotypes get to you..

    thats like a blonde girl dieing her hair black cuzz she is scared to become stupid..


    and well stereotypes are stereotypes...


  6. of course u can be a model

    and still be intelligent!

  7. models arnt all stupid most are very smart acualy.

    they take pictures because there beautiful and being beautiful doesnt mean your stupid.there the same as us all!

    --good luck


  8. of course you can! pick. which one is more important to me : modeling or school? and then which ever one you like the most you put in more time into! youll still go to school and youll still model!

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