
Can i obtain a dvd which gas true poltergeist activities?

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i would like to buy or obtain dvd which shows true poltergeist activities in malaysia. can anyone advise




  1. Good luck because a lot of these dvds that claim to be true are faked using pretty simple but well designed tricks.

    One popular video clip on You Tube shows a girl peering around a corner of a mausoleum and when the cameraman gets there no one can be found. World famous ghost hunters Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson even have made joke videos such as the two walking to a house said to have "strange activities" in daylight and as they approach the house Grant pops his head out from the front door and then immediately the camera goes from Jason's right to show Grant right beside him.

    There is so much fake stuff out there it would be impossible to discern what is real until it has been examined but here's a quick guide of what to look for in an actual poltergeist style haunting..

    1.)Poltergeist hauntings most always involve or center around a female usually aged 7 to 17 as parapsychologists and paranormal researchers theorize that poltergeists are just telekinetic fits thrown by the female subconsciously (they're not aware of it) males have been involved but it is extremely rare.

    2.)Poltergeist hauntings despite what movies tell you don't center around ghosts all the time. A person who is the center of such a haunting may pick up on the prescence of a ghost or the residue of someone who has passed on but it centers around the child not the ghost if one is present.

    3.)Areas rich in limestone tend to be hotbeds for such activity apparently.

    Most of these videos clips you see on the net in fact i'd venture to say 99% of them are either faked or can be explained away.

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