
Can i obtain the pill without parental permission?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Western Australia, i'm 15 and my mother says she wouldn't interfere if i could get it on my own, but she says she's not giving permission for it.

I want it because i have irregular cycles, really bad cramps and pretty bad skin.

I've researched it and i've decided i just want to go for it.




  1. i think you should just go have a teen pregnancy ya s**t

  2. Yes you can just see you GP or go to a clinic near you.

    I recommend you tell them about your issues and see what they recommend, perhaps the pill isn't for you. Explain what you want it for because otherwise they might think you want it for birth control. (I know somebody on it for cramps and it didn't make a difference, oddly, so tell them your symptoms in case they suggest something else first or as well.)


  3. yes you should be able to im in south aussie and when i went to go on the pill at 13 they werent allowed to tell my mum, if they say they can wait til u are 16 then i know they DEF cant tell her or need her permission. if you suffer from this why wont she help you??????????

  4. Clinics also promise confidentiality, meaning they never tell your parents or call your house without your permission.

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