
Can i open my own Cinema?

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My idea is to open a cinema. Not just any cinema though, its one that shows all the films you wished you seen when it was on at the pictures! For instance i wish i could have watched The Terminator or the Godfather, but was too young at the time. Is this a good idea and how would i go about making this into a reality?




  1. Getting hold of old prints is a nightmare. I used to work in a cinema, and the list of films they couldn't get to show oldies was tremendous. Plus, hardly anyone goes to those sort of nights -- it wasn't worth doing a second run of weekly screenings, the first made barely enough to cover the cost of hiring the print. And they degrade terribly.

  2. I have no idea where or how to start your idea off!! But if there was a cinema near me like that i would definately go! Would loved to have to watch Dirty Dancing at the movies

  3. Movies are products owned by studios. You could not afford to hire one of their movies even if they would allow such a thing.

    People can rent DVDs of these movies anyway. Dream another, more realistic dream.

  4. The biggest issue that you will face is getting enough clients (viewers) into your theatre to pay an admission price that will generate enough revenue to cover the fee you must pay to the studio to rent the movie.

    Why would someone pay that price when they can rent the movie thru that online service and watch it at home?

  5. I like your idea! I'm a venture capitalist in washington DC and I see a lot of ideas that just don't cut the mustard. Yours however is right on the nostalgic trend of consumers.

    First thing you want to do is develop a business plan. This will help focus and guide you in starting your theatre as well as secure funding.

    Talk to the guys at They will have some good info for you.

    god luck

  6. you cant use normal copy's of movies, you have to get special one that are autorised to be shown to a audience. if you charge people you have to get a license for the premesis that you are using. it's a real nightmare to get things up and running.

  7. There are many cinemas such as you describe.  The link below leads to one.  They show the classics and art films that have been passed up by main stream cinemas.  I don't know how profitable they are.

  8. I think this is a great business idea and if you have the determination and opportunity to try it then go for it!

    the concept you have is great, it's unique and innovative - the problems you'll face to get this sort of thing off the ground may be huge but don't let that stop you. i mean other people have opened cinema so why not you!

    financing the project will be your main focus, but there are loads of way to raise money - government grants, loans and grants from charities, business angels and other investors, bank loans, etc.

    I think the best place to start is by speaking to an adviser at your local business link, it's free advice from someone with specialist business knowledge

    use this site to search for enterprise agencies in your area who support people starting a business, and speak to them as well

    if you're under 30 then definitely contact the prince's trust as they can provide you with a mentor and help with your business plan

    also for under 30's is who have a great free 'start a business toolkit' which you can order

    a great small business forum is where you can seek advice and inspiration from like-minded people

    some other useful websites include:

    hope all this helps, and best of luck with your ideas! Rebecca x

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