
Can i open my own bank account that my parents can't get access to?

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i want to open up a bank account that i only access i want to start a moving out fund and i'm 16 by the way




  1. Yes you can.  You have full rights to open a checking account in your name.  I openend one when i was 17 and was able to keep my parents off of it so they couldnt see how i manage my finances.  my parents are snobs and think you should save vs spend.  I am a spender.  good luck moving out and getting away from your parents control and hostility

  2. If you were of legal age(18 in most states) any bank account, or other financial accounts, you open are inaccessible to them unless you give them privileges.  But, being 16 state laws and a particular banks' rules might not allow you to open an account without an adult to back you up.  The reason is simple.  If you are underage you, by law, do not have the capacity to understand fees, restrictions, rights, etc.. with signing a contract between yourself and an banking institution.  And, that is exactly what you would be doing by opening up an account.  That paperwork is a legal contract.  You are to young-in the state's eyes-to enter into a legal contract without a parent or guardian watching over.  You could be taken advantage of by bank, or you could decide you simply did not wish to pay the fees you agreed to pay when setting up the account. They would have a hard time prosecuting in some states.  So, someone is probably going to have to help you with this.

    But, you should trust your parents well enough to watch over you. They can keep you from making the same stupid mistakes they made.

  3. Yes, you can.  Too, let them know it is only for your use and no they can't borrow from it unless they pay back asap.  Have them write up a contact to keep their word.  Best to you!

  4. You probably won't be able to open a checking account, but most banks will let you open a savings account on your own.  

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