
Can i open my own call center?

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Can i open my own call center?




  1. u nned to study the market and working pattern of call centres.. and better look for long term clients

  2. yes, u surely can open ur own call centre. just required is space, computers, telecom devices suchh as call ditributor and all. but, before u go out to buy these things there are few things that u need to finalize. things like whether it will be an domestic call centre or internaitonal, it will be inbound or an outbond call centre. this i svery important as when u will approch a potential client, at that point in time u need to have all these details present with you. once u figure this out and also have a list of potential clients then you surely can put up the infrasucture. so, that's the way to go boy.

  3. yes u can open ur own answered previously regarding the investment and procedures..

    all u need is a good knowledge of the process tht are operating in the bpo industry and also u need some trustable clients tht hold an important place few of my friends are still in trouble regarding their payments.


    for more info regarding the procedure and other stuff

    visit some call centers forums where u will get the sufficient information regarding ur query

  4. Off course u can if u have the expertise and the investments required for that

  5. Yes ofcourse you can you just need to contact consultants who can provide you data for call centre and this message is for everyone who wants to open his/her own call centre but it require a lot of amount to be invested i know one of my friend who is consultant for call centre he can send u information regarding his upcoming projects if u are seriously interested you can contact him at 09312914873 his name is yogesh

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