
Can i optr out of a verbal contract with bt,as my isp user, it was a verble ageement on the phone,?

by  |  earlier

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help requested please , <i still find they are too expensive , thankyou




  1. just tell them where to shove it, and dont let them talk back to you. if you are an unhappy customer you have a right to leave contract or no contract.

  2. its still a contract, so to get out you will still have to pay what you agreed.

  3. As long as you are still within any kind of cooling off period. If you are outside of this period then you are stuck with the contract - usually 12 months.

    If you are outside the cooling off period but you had tried previously to get out of it during that period only to be discouraged or fobbed off by a BT employee you might have a case. Talk to your local citizen&#039;s advice bureau who may be able to mediate on your behalf. They will help you with letters. If BT promised they would slash the cost of your broadband and they haven&#039;t, then they may be in breach of contract if they are not offering a competitive service.

    If you were fobbed off, you may have a case for being pressured in buying their service. Especially if there was any kind of time limit imposed on you when you were choosing.

    If all else fails, write to the BBC Watchdog program.

    Make sure you have all the documentation to hand before you start any kind of action to dump BT including dates and time of your phone calls, and who you spoke to. They must give you a name so it can be referred to. try to remember any specific phrases they used and write those down. Companies like BT often record their telephone calls for training purposes and any recordings or transcripts may help your case.

  4. All contracts have a cooling off period, normally 14days. If you are within this then you can cancel but if not you are stuck with it - As the previous reply says - it is still a binding contract and was probably recorded.

  5. I&#039;m not a hundred percent sure but I don&#039;t think so, I have just ended my contract with BT 3 1/2 months early for the same reason, I had been with them for about 6 years and they still wanted nearly £90 to cover the last 3 months

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