
Can i paint cement steps w/ thin coat of cement to refresh them, any ideas,they are very weathered & old?

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Can i paint cement steps w/ thin coat of cement to refresh them, any ideas,they are very weathered & old?




  1. Go for it! What is the worst thing that can happen?? Ok well maybe some bad stuff, but whatever.

  2. I don't know?

    CAN YOU?

  3. Use some cement cleaner first, which you can get at a home improvement store.  If the cracks aren't too bad, you can buy cement filler. Comes in a tube. Then sand it down to even it out. Then you can paint over it with a cement paint or stain.  If you want to take the time to do it your way, that's OK too.  

    By the way, this is the hockey section.

  4. Any questions having the "&" , are being sent into the hockey section, so i would try asking your question with out the "&" and you will be sent into the proper section.  

  5. that's a good way to support yr team!

  6. you can paint with cement?  

  7. Stop walking on them in your skates

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