
Can i pass a home drug test by adding water or something to it?

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  1. If you drink a LOT of water, you can possibly dilute your pee enough. And when I say a lot, I mean liters. Otherwise, try a tablespoon or two of vinegar.

    A lot of people I know seem to pass drug tests left and right though. So maybe you're like them, and you're pee just doesn't hold weed.

    A friend of mine smoked 3 days before a drug test and passed, without trying to dilute a thing. Lucky f***er.

  2. adding water will change the pH of your urine, which they test in the lab before they even get to the drug panel, along with all other regular components of your urine. If anything is out of wack, they discard the sample, know you've been up to something and may monitor your urine sample 'donation' so to speak...aka... if this is a legal matter, you will literally have to pee in front of some stranger so you have proof that it is in fact your urine, and not tampered with.

    there are 'flush' systems available out there... but who knows how reliable they are.

    If it is Marijuana that you are concerned about showing your your urinalysis, it passes through your system in 30 days and then is no longer detectable in your urine.

    Pretty much everything else take a lot less time... ex: Cocaine is out of your system within 24-48 hours and is no longer detectable in urine.  I'd say one week for pretty much everything else, as those timings vary for each drug.

  3. I would try and do it with just water alone most home tests cant tell the difference considering urine is mostly water.  You may be able to dilute your pee enough with water but its tough to know the right amount of pee and water.   It all depends on the test though if it was expensive your probably ******.

  4. no! and if you are found faking it ,it will be worse for u.listen up. how about admitting u messed up. i think it takes a month for weed to get out of your blood. dont go for a test you know you"ll fail.Tell them and dont ask someone for their pee either. r-e-s-p-e=c=t

  5. no

    the only way to pass a drug test is not to have drugs in your system.

    Sounds like you should have thought of asking this question a couple weeks ago.

  6. no you can't.  It also tests the temperature of your urine.  If it's off you me I used to smoke for 10 years and tried to pass using detox drinks, name it.  There is no way to pass unless you're clean, even if you sabotage the test you fail

  7. There is this kit you can by. You have to get it from someone who deals drugs. And if you take drugs you obviously know one. There about 30$ but they work. I used it for a drug test and I passed. So they work. Good Luck :]

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