
Can i place an order of 200 cartons of cigarettes, but drive somewhere to pick them up?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy 200 cartons of cigarettes. Im going to sell each pack for 5$ each because they are almost 7$ in MA. Does anyone know how and where i can go to place that order, and drive to get them? Shipping online is about 1200$




  1. Take advantage of the down real estate market. Drive around a nearby neighborhood with short sales and keep track of houses which are being abandoned but yet to be trashed by vandals. Once the family leaves, use the address to make your shipment arrive there. The postmaster most likely won't notice the house has been emptied since it hasn't been trashed and will leave your package on the doorstep.

    Don't use your real information when ordering cartons.

  2. If you buy online, you are going to get taxed heavily. My fiance bought 3 cartons for about $20 each because they are around $6.50 in Jersey and later got a letter saying that he owes in taxes and got a bill for over $100. DON'T BUY ONLINE!!! Plus, it's illegal to do that unless you are licensed to do so.

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